When my hubbins and I found out we were prego, we were both college students, and pretty much poor. As someone who likes to use eco-friendly products, I wanted to use cloth diapers, but the initial cost was daunting, though I realized I would save money in the long run.
My sister bought us a great starter stash, and I wouldn't have been able to cloth diaper without her generosity! So, I know how important it is to help out others who are in need!

Fall 2012 Cloth Diaper Drive - Supporting The Tomahawk Sustainment Mission. . .
Sign up's are OPEN!
Leettle Baby will be hosting the Fall 2012 Cloth Diaper Drive, which will run from November 1st - 30th, 2012. Not only will there be a giveaway for a stash of cloth diapers, but there will be charity auctions in efforts to raise money to start a cloth diapering program that will benefit at least 500 babies in the impoverished areas of the Kentucky Appalachia!DID YOU KNOW? The Appalachia region covers 13 different U.S. states, encompasses 420 counties and includes 25 million people? Sadly, some of the most distressed areas have 150% poverty rate over the average U.S. rate.
Head on over to the Leettle Baby blog and sign up today if you are interested in participating in this giveaway hop event which includes a FREE blogger opportunity! The deadline for sign up's is October 30th, so don't hesitate to sign up for this wonderful event!
Also...sponsors for the giveaway and auction are still wanted and greatly appreciated! Please contact me (Alanna) at leettlehandsandfeet@gmail.com if you would like to help.
DATES: November 1st - 30th (Giveaway will run from November 1st - November 30th), 2012
COST: FREE with announcement post, $5 for 2 links, $1 each additional, & $10 for host follow pagesGIVEAWAY PRIZE: A cloth diaper stash & accessory package...and more! Click here to view prize listing & sponsors
Please look into this...this is for a great cause!
I plan on donating a diaper for the giveaway, so stay tuned!
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